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Little Johnny’s Banana Bench Revelations”

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Little Johnny and Billy were strolling through the park when they encountered three ladies enjoying bananas on a bench.

“Hello ladies!” Little Johnny greeted them cheerfully.

“Wait, do you know them?” Billy inquired.

“No, I never met the nun or the whore or the bride we just passed,” answered Little Johnny.

“But how on earth did you know all this about them?” Billy wondered.

“It’s a piece of cake,” Little Johnny explained. “The nun delicately bit the banana with one hand, and used the other hand to divide it into delicious pieces.”

He continued: “The whore grabbed the banana with both hands and put the whole thing in her mouth.”

“Very impressive!” Billy shouted. “But how did you manage to clock three as a newlywed?”

“Oh, that was a no-brainer,” Little Johnny smiled. “She was the one holding the banana with one hand and smacking it enthusiastically with the other!”